Thursday 14 February 2019

Day 34

Chapter Seven

“I am so sorry. We miss him terribly. I’m sure you do too.”

Before Pat could say something to the effect ‘not really’ the woman continued.

She looked at the wedding photo. A hot tear slowly edged its way from sad eyes across her blushed cheeks and dripped off her chin. She snivelled and wiped her eyes.

“What a wonderful photograph. What mixed emotions. A lovely photograph, a record of a happy, happy day. Of course, I’m sure you will understand that I was heartbroken that the guest list was so small. I mean, such a special day but so many friends and family not able to share it.”

Mr Jones coughed and shuffled. He really hoped that the conversation was not going to take a turn for the worse. But he knew all too well the bitterness being shunned could bring. So many times this conversation had been re-run and always he had said, ”Leave it.”

But maybe this time the well-worn ‘leave it’ would not do.

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