Tuesday, 22 September 2020

 A Month in Autumn - 02

Ninth Month


What is in a name?

I am September and Roman calendar Latin names me

Septem which means seven, when March heralded the year.

Calculate me by the phases of the moon.

Any yet I am the ninth.


What is in a name?

I september mensis, all hail mighty Caesar and his power,

Consult Sosigenes, astronomer from Alexandria

A solar calendar to make.

But grant me preserve my name.


What is in a name?

A Saxon calls me Gerst monath  because of the barley moon.

Middle English born reflect our French connections

And septembre know me by.

And yet still am I the ninth.


What is in a name?

The Holy Father donates a new calendar which Luigi never knew,

And Protestants are wary of a possible Popish plot,

Two centuries pass before Albion

Calls September the month that is ninth.


I have been 30 and once was only 29,

The days may change, but the name is always mine.




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