About Lines

LINES is CaroLINE Whalley and LINda Prince.

They met each other when they both worked in education in West London. They have been firm friends ever since.

Both Caroline and Linda share the same passion for learning, writing and having fun.

Lines is a new publishing house that presents a collection of work; ever changing, ever growing.

It’s primary aim is to host an assortment of work by Linda and Caroline and also by other authors and contributors.

This mosaic of work covers fiction and non-fiction. It is not bound by any genre or style. It is eclectic and diverse.  It is fluid and organic.

It’s early days but who knows where LINES will take us? One LINE of thought may send us here. Another LINE of enquiry may send us there.

Lee Iacocca said, “You can do the work of two people but you can’t be two people. Instead, you have to inspire the next guy down the line and get him to inspire his people.”

Well, here are two people. May we inspire you down the LINE.

Welcome to LINES.