Sunday 17 February 2019

Day 35

“We were very disappointed that we were not invited to the wedding, weren’t we Arthur?”
Before Arthur had chance to confirm or deny his wife was back in full flow. Internally he sighed a sigh of relief. He preferred to sit on fences.

Pat was just about to say something but Rosemary Jones was not about to be interrupted. She put up her hand and the gesture made Pat pause just long enough for her to plough on.

“Oh, I know what you young people are like. Do you own thing. But I have to say, we were very disappointed, weren’t we Arthur (answer not required Arthur), when our favourite son, our only son, told us that he was getting married and there wasn’t going to be a big do. Well, we understood that. Sort of. I mean, we offered to pay for the wedding – should be a big day. But we were resigned to a small wedding, weren’t we Arthur (answer still not required Arthur) but – to be told there would no guests – not even parents, well, that really broke our hearts, didn’t it Arthur?”

For once she expected an answer. Arthur Jones’s mind had wandered. He was aware three sets of eyes were on him. Uncomfortable.

“Err ….”

“Hopeless! Well, believe me, he was devastated. To think we were not invited!”

Pat nodded slowly. “Neither was I,” she said.

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