Sunday 20 January 2019

'ME' Life Likes 3

Remembering that word - Livologist - the study of life. I am returning to that idea today.

I really like being an “-ologist” it takes me away, anywhere guilt free.

I can explore being a gardener, painter, sculptor, jeweller, writer, is that different to an author? Anything in fact, that takes my fancy.

So what is an “-ologist” (the blue italics, that’s me in the abstract, thinking, meditating, ruminating) it can’t be just doing ‘something’ to get through a day. It can’t be that; because ‘that’ doesn’t capture a moment, engage me, or hold me in thrall, just doing it isn’t living it.

Often happening these conversations -
“I’m:- in transition, enforced change, changing direction, divorcing, retiring/retired; thought I would try ………;  I have always wanted to….”
Me “Oh, really?”
Me thinking “would ‘a, could ‘a, should ‘a… if you had really wanted to you’d be doing it or have done it” 
Time is unstoppable, passing and I feel I should be exchanging every second with something that lifts me up and carries me forward.

Makes me question though, where shall I start as a new Livologist?

Over the past 4 years, I have forayed into all sorts of craft areas sometimes creating art too. These fine motor activities suspend my brain, like switching off a car engine but just like my hybrid car the battery is running in the background.
Presently, I am very interested in why political centrists across the continents, seem unable to articulate their vision of a value based, common sense world.


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