Tuesday 8 January 2019

Day 7

Hope you are managing to stay upto date with the story. It's exciting when you don't know where it will lead - well, exciting for me - as I have no idea where this is going. Except Chapter 2 sees us going to 'up North'. So see you there!

Chapter Two

By the time they had thrown some things into an overnight bag and filled up the screen wash in the car, the light was getting dim but Pat was determined to go ‘and get this over.’ Julie had tried to suggest ‘leaving it until tomorrow’ but Pat was not listening. She was already half way up the A1 in her head.

They pulled away from the flats and half an hour later they were joining the commuters as they trundled up the motorway to the Home Counties. Julie tried to lighten the mood but no amount of chocolate or drive-time radio chat could get Pat to engage. She remained outwardly silent and focussed on the grey tarmac before her. The only conversations were going on in her head.

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