Monday 7 January 2019

Day 6

They sat on the sofa staring at each other.
Julie was munching a piece of orange Panettone. Pat was feeling sick.

They had been on social media and found out as much as they could but details were scarce. It was New Year – there were resolutions to be made ready to break. Films and plays to be recommended, some suggestions for Golden Globes and Oscars. Football fixtures and F.A. Cup matches to be played. Predictions for your future and your chances of finding happiness for the next year. There were political and economic car crashes which gained more column width than any car crash on the border of two counties many miles away from the centre of government.

“OK. So, all we know is that your ex-boyfriend has died in a car crash near where he lived and we know that he is in the local hospital mortuary and the police thought you were his wife. We don’t know why they thought that – maybe you are still down as next of kin on his passport or something – and you have got the same surname, Jones, which as we know made everyone think you were married when you went out with him. Do you remember going to …..” her voice trailed off as she realised that Pat was not listening but was in a world of her own.


Pat focussed. “Sorry, I was miles away. I’m going to have to go up there and see what’s going on. Will you come with me?”

Julie swallowed the last bite of Italian cake and then thought about it, “Well, it’s that time of year when nothing happens until schools go back – so yeah, why not? Got nothing else to do. When shall we go?”


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