Tuesday, 1 September 2020

 A poem a day for September 2020 .....

Untitled for Others 1


Here is some content we thought you would like.

Theatre and travel. But not during a spike.

Drawn into the Box Set and at peace with a Soap.

Or a virtual Italian extravaganza to visit the Pope.

Maybe a delivery of fast food for tonight

Food porn pictures just heighten the plight.

We’ll deliver comfort just sittin’ on your sofa

You don’t have to move, unless you’re following yoga.

My television and I have become totally inseparable

With Favourites and Catch-ups, both are so preferable

To having to think and exercise the little grey cells

Each to his own choice of the many versions of Hells.

Watch the live matches and record every goal

Bad for the nerves and worse for the soul.

I’m worried I might also become a widescreen

A result of door to door convenience, calorific cuisine.

The whole world is waiting beyond the panoramic

Conserving the energy of thermodynamics -

The entropy of an object is a measure of the amount of energy which is unavailable to do work

And atrophy is a measure of me wasting away, boldy going nowhere sharing reruns with Kirk.

One day I’ll rediscover the other side, parallel universe, the person that was me

But until it’s safe to do so, subtitles on to converse and hasten on the TV.


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