Tuesday 26 February 2019

Day 39

Chapter Eight

The plane banked and circled. Stacking? Stacking – no!! She did not need this! She wanted to get home. She loved holidays but she loved coming home and once she was on the way – she wanted to get home as quickly as possible. Washing in the washing machine, then into bed. Circling over the Thames was irritating – so near et so far.

The people next to her were fidgeting. They had already tried to stand up and get their luggage down only to be reprimanded with a set smile. People were staring at their phone screens wondering if they dare switch them on yet. The airhostess made it plain that they couldn’t. The set smile whilst shaking her head.

She leaned to the window – was that Wembley? Was that where, all too soon, she would be signing documents and maybe dunking a ginger biscuit or two?

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