Saturday 23 February 2019

Day 38

“You’re not listening. You never listened! (Arthur cringed) I don’t know who that is in the picture but it’s not me!”

Rosemary looked astounded. Her mouth began to drop but then just in time she redeemed herself and pulled herself together. Composure almost regained.

“Of course it’s you. Look! Look!” she pushed the photograph in front of Pat.

Pat shook her head slowly. For some reason she felt almost sorry for this grieving mother, pompous she might be but she had just lost a son and now she was teetering on the edge of losing a daughter in law.

“Rosemary,” she began, speaking slowly, deliberately in the hope it would sink in, “I don’t know who that is in the photo, I agree it looks very much like me, identical in fact, but it is NOT me. Someone has done something, photoshopped my head on the body or maybe it’s a double – but I assure you. It is NOT me.”

“Good Lord!” Everyone looked up at Arthur, who then wished he hadn’t spoken. This was not going to end well.

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