Wednesday 20 February 2019

Day 36

Rosemary Jones pulled a slightly annoyed face. She didn’t know what that meant. To be honest, she always thought Pat was not right or her son. But then who was? Pat had an independent streak that was somewhat at odds with Rosemary’s sense of hierarchy – no, let’s be honest – matriarchy. Rosemary blamed Pat for the fact that the wedding had taken place without her and her husband in attendance.

She ploughed on. “Anyway, we know that traditions are falling by the wayside. I was only saying to Arthur last week, wasn’t I? (Arthur dutifully nodded) things that once you would have expected to be a given – helping old people across the road, not throwing litter on the floor, queuing at bus stops – I mean where will end?”

Julie looked hopelessly at Pat. Pat looked bewildered.

“Look,” said Pat, “I wasn’t at the wedding!”

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