Tuesday, 22 October 2019

Day 84

“Look, let’s just cut to the chase. You want to know why I said we weren’t married, why I said the photo was a fake. I can’t apologise enough. I’m so sorry. But I felt embarrassed.”

Arthur shuffled and looked at the floor. He hated it when women cried. Rosemary stared at Pat and kept an air of cool detachment. She also hated it when women cried.

The photo of the happy couple lay on the coffee table. Pat picked it up and stared into the photo.
“It didn’t work out. I was embarrassed. It was never right.”

Rosemary nodded and looked into down her lap. Then she raised her head, shook off any emotion and asked Pat to ‘tell us all.’

Tell you all? Can anyone ever tell you ‘all’? People interpret things differently. They experience the same things and yet have different stories and memories.

Tell us all? I’ll tell you some.

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