Sunday 17 March 2019

Day 48

Chapter Nine
The silence in the car hung like a heavy weight. Neither Julie nor Pat knew what to say. What could be said?

No-one could quite grasp the situation. A photo of a wedding day – best day of your life. But it was someone else’s life. It wasn’t Pat. But it did rather look like Pat.

It looked like Patrick. It was Patrick. So why wasn’t it Pat? In her head Pat relived the accusations by Rosemary and Arthur, mostly Rosemary to be fair, that ‘it had to be her’ and ‘it was obviously her, look! Look!’ She sweated as she felt the anger, frustration and hurt behind Rosemary’s tears – ‘it MUST be you.’

But it wasn’t. And nothing she could say would convince them. Actually, Arthur seemed less persistent that the photo must be Pat but then he was reeling from the whole event. He had lost his son and now maybe a daughter in law that he never really knew. Maybe he hadn’t known his son that well either.

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