Saturday 2 March 2019

Day 41

She looked out the window and watched the houses along the Great West Road sprinting by. Anyone watching her would have assumed that she was tired from the flight, just wanting to return home and have a decent cup of tea. But she was preoccupied. In her head she was rehearsing the phone call. Friendly but firm? Distant and apologetic? Succinct and business like?

The car began to slow and the houses became more recognisable. Bay windows with modern wooden slats. A range of recycling bins in interesting colours that clashed. One house in particular was recognisable. Red door. Brass door furniture and iron railings in need of a lick of paint waited expectantly.

She opened the door and tripped over the mail. Junk mail, bills, BOGOF pizzas, leave some clothing for a good cause in plastic bag provided (we’ll be collecting Wednesday) and an A4 formal manilla envelope, franked and addressed. But to whom?

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