Saturday 2 February 2019

Day 26

Chapter Five

“Oh, my goodness. Oh my. Oh, I am so sorry. I’m so, so sorry.”

The woman threw her arms round Pat and howled and cried. Pat felt like she was suffocating but couldn’t move and so let the woman continue to blub. She remained taught and upright.

Jane sat, still superglued to the spot, mug of coffee half way up to her mouth. Mouth wide open.

In the corner, a dapper man stood looking very uncomfortable. Jane looked at him.

He looked like he has just walked out of an old black and white movie. Tweedy looking. An anachronism. RAF – but old school. Very smart and probably exceptionally brave when fighting bandits. But never the canteen cowboy. No, he looked very uncomfortable in front of the ladies.

Julie thought, ”any moment now he’ll say – ‘must just pop orf and put on the old combats.’”

He said, nervously, “I may just go and check the car. Think it wasn’t parked quite correctly.”

“Close enough,” thought Julie.

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