Friday 18 January 2019

'ME' Life Likes

Of Course! Always expect to be satisfied with your life,
And yet review to add more fuel, make better still
And find more to like and love, always possible to improve.

I started this project 3 years ago. I know! I only managed 5 days and some additional notes and then "life's what happens when you are busy making other plans" kicked in. The initial idea was sparked by remembrance of a humorous, loving card sent from one who was with me for 45 years and knew me well.

'ME' Life Likes 

is about examining myself as unfamiliar
  • I want to capture my past, live my present and invent my future.
  • I want to explore that presence that is 'me'
  • I want to fix 'me' onto paper.
  • I want to know 'me'
  • I want to delight in living

Anytime Day 1:

People are a real mystery, surrendering to sleep – panicking if they can’t sleep and yet every night trusting to their waking up.

    We all do it, that funny business sleeping, 
    Gently breathing, sometimes dreaming, 
    Every night, surrendering our ‘selves’,
    Assuming at some point, revival of cells. 

My experience of that ‘waking up’ bit is different from many.

This is your introduction to me, into my identity, time, space, being, knowing – welcoming you in.
I was born in 1951; the eldest of three girls, 
Mum died 1960, 
Dad well, that was 1968. 


The Prague Spring

Student riots in Paris and London

The dawn of “The Troubles” in Northern Ireland

Protest marches against the Vietnam War

Enoch Powell’s “Rivers of Blood” speech

Man orbited the moon for the first time

4thApril Martin Luther King was assassinated

5thJune Robert Kennedy was assassinated

21stJuly my Dad died quietly in bed

My infant son decided to stay sleeping in 1976, as did my husband of 45 years, in 2015.

I dislike the euphemisms now adopted, of 'passing away' 'passed' somehow presuming another place that is different to mine. I prefer 'dead' and still here with 'me' 

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