Sunday 6 January 2019

Day 5

Police Sergeant Bill Brooks frowned and somehow looked especially gruff. He pursed his lips and glowered. “So, you are not married to a Dr Patrick Jones?”

The young woman stopped stirring the tea. The spoon clattered into the saucer. They looked from one to the other.

Brooks leaned forward, “Are you saying you don’t know Dr Patrick Jones?”

Pat felt the words flooding out , “Yes, I do, well, I mean I did. I did know a Patrick Jones up in Yorkshire.”

“Aha, so you do know him. And Brambles Bungalow? Do you know that?”

“Yes, of course. We went out for a while. Not long, I mean, maybe nine months, well, less than a year.” Pat was feeling even more ridiculously guilty about … well, she didn’t know. But she did know her skin was getting red and tacky.

Brooks leaned back into the sofa and the young policewoman handed him a cup of tea. All was alright with the world. They had got the right person. He exchanged glances with her and there was a ‘it’s going to be one of those days’ looks.

“Right, so I am sorry to have to tell you that your husband was driving and was involved in a collision not far from your bungalow. The people in the other car survived but I am afraid Patrick died this morning. I have here the phone number of the hospital. Is there anyone who can be with you at this sad time?”

“Julie. Julie is coming round. I thought you were her.”

Patiently, the young police woman nodded. “And is Julie a friend or relative?”

“Friend. She lives here in this block. She’s bringing some cakes round.” Why now did her speech sound somehow slurred like she was speaking in slow motion?

Brooks finished his tea and stood up. He was a big man. Had too many pints or pies and his jacket was straining to keep him in.

“Well, Police Constable Kirk, Jane here, she will be your liaison officer if you need anything – obviously when you get up North, by the way it’s the Nottingham Constabulary that are dealing with it, accident was right on the edge of two forces, and they will help you. You’ll want to see the body and things. The hospital will help you too. Maybe get this Julie to drive you up when you go. Difficult time I know. Oh, by the way, you’ll be relieved to know that he wasn’t in any pain and he wasn’t responsible for the accident as far as we can see. Here’s my card if you need to contact us but you’ll be better contacting Nottingham – I’ve written their number on the back.”

He strode to the door. Nodded to Jane Kirk and they stood in the door. In unison they turned and in hushed tones said, “Sorry for your loss” and walked to the stairs.

Fragments of conversation drifted up the stair well as Pat stood immobile at her door. Did she say something about ‘grief takes people in different ways’ and did he say something about ‘it was funny pretending you weren’t married and he wished sometimes he could the same’?

The lift pinged and out came Julie sporting a Christmas jumper and a grin as wide as the Thames. “Cakes!” she announced.

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