Tuesday, 15 September 2020

 Round the World to see how far it is - 05

By the Urubamba


I am the sacred river.

Río Urubamba.

Look down from the preserved city and follow along the trail.

Seek how I snake like the ropes of the past.

Wedged in the hidden valley.


I am the sacred river.

Río Urubamba.

Darkly turbulent vortex or deceptively benign, quietly pale.

My mood changes fast, which will you encounter

For our skirmish in the valley?


I am the sacred river.

Río Urubamba.

Will you dawdle by the orchids and their heady scent inhale,

Or will their putrid odour make you swoon

As it closes in on the valley?


I am the sacred river.

Río Urubamba.

Powerfully proclaiming Wiracocha’s universal will prevail.

Look deep below the swirling maelstrom,

Fractal at the bottom of the valley.

I am the sacred river.

Río Urubamba.

Focus tired eyes and gape in wonder as the ancient gods unveil

The monumental drowned Inca altar.



Share eternity with me in the sacred valley.




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