Sunday 2 June 2019

Day 68

Rosemary sighed heavily. “I am waiting to be served here. I have been waiting for ten minutes!”
The grey-haired man looked up briefly from the Canon and peered over his spectacles. “I’m sorry madam, but I will be with you in just two ticks.” He exhibited no enthusiasm at all.

Arthur shuffled round the shop peering at the various cameras, checking the price tags and then shaking his head in disbelief.

“Arthur, now it’s us. Come over here.”

The grey-haired man watched the satisfied customer leave the shop with his new lightweight Canon tripod.

“Look, can you tell me if this photograph has been touched up?”

The grey hair-hair man raised his eyebrows. Arthur looked away.

“Madam, you need to go onto the net and download a checker app. Then run the photo through it. Visually it would have to be a very bad photoshop to see it without checking the metadata.”

Rosemary walked out of the shop, “I don’t need metadata to visually see this is very bad photo shop.”

Arthur nodded to the grey-haired salesman. No words were said but the grey-haired salesman knew exactly what Arthur was saying.

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