Tuesday 29 January 2019

Day 24

They pulled out of the hospital car park. The electronic light told them they had paid and ‘Goodbye, safe journey.’ If only another journey had been ‘safe’, then they wouldn’t be here.

The man indicated left and slowly pulled away. He was not in a rush to get to the bungalow. He thought about his garage at home. There was so much to do there – it was full of junk and his New Year Resolution was to clear it. But it wasn’t going to happen any time soon by the look of it. He wondered about the garage at the bungalow – would that need clearing?

“The funeral. We have to organise the funeral.”

The words hung in the car like a blanket of ice. He really didn’t want to go to the bungalow. He wanted to be in his garage. He wanted to wake up and find out that this was a bad dream. But the this wasn’t a dream – it was a living nightmare.

And it was only just beginning.

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