Friday 11 January 2019

Day 10

The morning was extra dark as it was cloudy and the drizzle clung to their coats. They threw their weekender bags into the bag of the car, hugged the steaming coffee in gloved hands and eased themselves into the car.

Pat started the engine and checked the time, “Nine o’clock. Hospital?”
Julie nodded as she cuddled the cappuccino. She watched as they left the service station and circuited the roundabout which took them onto the back road to Doncaster. Several trees had bundle of flowers tied the trunks, maybe not all for ‘her’ accident but this was a bad corner and a local ‘black spot’. The fresh flowers stood out and reminded people that this had not been a Happy New Year for everyone.

She read the parking instructions. She didn’t want to be here so she opted for the two hour slot. That would be more than enough. Just a quick visit to find out what had happened and get out quickly. Draw a line under the past.

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