Tuesday, 7 April 2015

Election Time

I am a constituent and I try when I can
To visit the ballot box, exercising my vote.
Together we elect a representative of the community
But this constituent is starting to float.

I am part of the electorate and I try when I may
Enfranchised with others to send them to Public office.
But should go right or lean to the left
Or abstain and just cut my losses?

I am a cog in a wheel and I try when I must
To do justice to the suffrage sisters.
But cometh the hour, cometh the man
For somehow we still over-elect the Misters.

I am an elector and I try when the time comes
To do my duty and cast the paper incognito
But all of the colours and all of the shades
Make me wish I had power of veto.

By Linda Prince

© Photograph by Rama, Wikimedia Commons, Cc-by-sa-2.0-fr

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