Monday 23 February 2015

Back ...again!

It has been a busy year - not for LINES itself - but for the staff involved in the company. There has been a mixture of good and bad and sad news. But hopefully, we are over the major life changes and back on track!!
We had a Director's meeting last week and we now officially welcome JJ as an equal partner - she did all the work anyway!

So we will be relaunching work, doing new work and starting to publish more consistently over the next year. We have a poetry month to plan for and we will do a Short Story a month from April (just in time for the new Financial Year!!)

So if you have any pet topics - or requests for a short story (for any age) - let us know and will write something!! or if you have something to publish ..... let us know.

Welcome back!

The light is brighter and the watery sun blinks from winter sleep
The thoughts of the writer sinks and to the paper creep
The pen is mightier and syncs with images and stories that keep
forming, letter by letter, just for fun or maybe best-selling?
But all in all - just the better for telling.

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