Wednesday, 15 January 2020

Day 88

Chapter Sixteen

Sophie Challerton? What to be next? Sophia Chollerton? Something different? Polly Nichols? Oh no, she came to a sticky end – not auspicious at all. Nikki Chollerton? Nikki Chadwin? Chadwin? Yes, that’s nice. But Nicky – I’ll have a ‘y’ Bob.

She picked up the phone and dialled.

“Ah, hello? Yes, I’m interested in renting the room that you have on offer? Yes, yes. That would be ideal. No, I know the Enfield Town area very well (false giggle). I know exactly where you are. Me? Yes, Nicky Chadwin. That’s Nicky with a ‘y’. Wonderful. I’ll be there at 2pm tomorrow. Goodbye (more disingenuous giggling).”

All good - de façon amusante.

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