Friday 8 February 2019

Day 30

Mr Bowes shuffled through piles of papers. He checked the dates. He checked the signatures. He checked the titles and the deeds.

Alles in Ordnung.

Mr Baines flicked through the net. He tapped the keys. Pressed Return. Scrolled down this way and scrolled up that way.

Last wills and testaments skimmed across the screen. A codicil here, a bequest there. The inheritances of the lucky few and the resentment of the snubbed all collided on the screen. Beneficiaries and covetous spectators all listed neatly on spreadsheets.

Mr Bowes smiled, “Tea?”

Mr Baines nodded, “That would be very welcome. Just email the bank and then I’ll be there. Did you find the Executor?”

‘Yes. I’ll ring her in a minute. Ginger biscuit?”

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